Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well, thanks to my sweet husband Michael, I now have a blog, so I am going to try to use it from time to time.
It is funny to me to think of having a blog, because the last time I remember having anything like a blog, I was using Xanga and was in middle school. A lot has changed since those days of middle school! For one, I finally married the guy that I had had a crush on since my xanga days. Another change is that I have decided what my "life verse" is since middle school.
It always seemed an impossible task to have a "life verse", because there are SO many great verses to choose from with 32,173 in the Old and New Testaments! but, I heard 1 Peter 3:15 when I was a sophomore in High School, during a history class with a guest speaker. When I heard it, I knew that it was a verse that I loved, and wanted to be a theme for my life.

1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect" (NIV)

I loved this verse because the first thing it says is of most importance. "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord." This meant to me that first and foremost Christ must be in my heart, and set apart as the Lord over all. I am not to put Him in a position of second or third importance, but he is to be set apart as Lord. A synonym of Lord is 'superior', and Christ being Lord shows He will be of first importance of my life.
I love the next part of this verse that says to "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have". I love it because I want my life to be lived in a way that someone could see that I have hope that they would want to ask about. Also I want to be ready to give an answer, to be able to share what is of first importance in my life to others, to glorify Him.
Lastly, this verse says to do this with "gentleness and respect". I want those to be qualities in my life, that everything I do would be done in a gentle and respectful way.

That is my "life verse", I hope that you love it and learn from it as I have.

Loving God's Words,


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