Monday, September 26, 2011

Joy in Service

Sometimes I have found myself wondering what I am doing with my time. I can get so busy with work and school, and I will forget that the things I do in my day to day life should be focused on God, and serving Him. I heard it said one time that there was a reporter who traveled widely and had the chance to interview many people. The reporter had interviewed quite a range of people, all the way from celebrities to missionaries. This reporter stated that in most cases, the most miserable people were the celebrities, and that the most happy and fulfilled people were the missionaries.

In hearing this, I thought about my own experiences. I have had the opportunity to go on many mission trips to different countries. I have been seen many people that are out on the mission field, giving their lives away in service to God, and the people around them. They are so full of joy, and have an un-explainable, contagious passion for life and service.

I often struggle with the battle that happens inside of me when I start thinking that the right pair of shoes, the perfect outfit, pretty decorations for my apartment, or anything else will make me happy. It is a daily battle that I will think the things in this world can make me feel satisfied. It is funny, because I have learned time and time again, that they do not make me feel satisfied in life. I have experienced times when I feel like I am doing what I was meant to do, and I am so content, and it is in the times that I am serving the Lord, and giving him my time and talents. I have learned this so many times, but I still have to learn it over and over.


You may have a similar struggle as I do. Maybe you know that God’s Word calls you as a Christian to serve Him and others, but you get so distracted by other things in life. Or maybe you do not know where to get involved, or how to serve. All of us at times have a hard time following God’s will, and His plan. We all have selfish, and fleshly desires that draw us toward what the world has to say. The world teaches us to be selfish, and to find happiness we must seek after all the things the world has to offer. These things will always leave us unfulfilled.

It is in scripture that we are told all the answers to life, and these instructions show us how we are to live our lives in order to find joy in Christ. If we live our lives as Scripture calls us to, in service, then we will be moving toward God and deepening our relationship with Him by obeying his commands. Lets open up to Mark 10:44-45. This passage says “and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” [1]

To give some context to this passage, this is Jesus speaking to his disciples James and John. James and John had come to Jesus and requested that they be given a spot of honor by sitting on the right and left hand of Christ in heaven. James and John had not quite caught on to how Jesus does things. They were still caught up in the Roman cultural push toward titles and honorable positions. They were seeking to be glorified for their good work of following Jesus, but their desire was selfish. When Jesus said, “whoever wants to be first must be slave to all”, he was responding to James and John’s request to be His right hand man.

The word “slave” by one definition says it means “total subjection of one person to another” In the New Testament, the Greek word for “slave” can also mean “servant”. [2] The idea that I am to be a servant for God by being a slave or servant to others does not exactly make me excited. God’s teachings are often counter-cultural in any context. Being a servant to all would not have been the normal desire for people back in the first century, just as it is not the desire of people in our culture today.

I can get excited about being a servant when I read Matthew 25:35-40, which says “35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”[3]

When I read this passage in Matthew, and realize that whatever I do for those here on earth, I am really doing it for God, that gives me some excitement. I want to honor God, and grow in my relationship with Him, so why wouldn’t I want to serve my Savior and Creator? I have come to find that it is such a blessing when I serve others, and show them the love of Christ through my actions. Even though this would not usually be my natural tendency to serve others, I find that as I grow more in love with God, my desire to serve others grows stronger. When we have Christ in our lives, God’s Holy Spirit changes the desires of our heart.

God has called us as believers to be servants. Thankfully, being a servant means we can find joy, and know God. There are so many hurting people out there that need our help. There are so many different ways we can serve. I encourage you to find an area that you can get involved in serving others. There are opportunities at our church in the kids department that would be really fun. You could help on Sundays to love on the younger kids and teach them about God. Or you can help in the church’s food pantry. There are also opportunities outside of the church here locally in our town, like volunteering at the City Rescue Mission, or even helping out a kid in your school who can afford their school supplies. Get your parents involved, and go out shopping for some essential schools supplies that you can donate to a student, or to the school’s guidance counselor to give to the appropriate person. Next time you find yourself bored, or even sad and struggling, try going out and serving someone. I bet that it brightens your day to see someone else blessed.

[1] New International Version, The Bible, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008

[2] Harpers Bible Dictionary, Slavery, Harpercollins, 1985

[3] New International Version, The Bible, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan 2008

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Love your enemy. Matthew 5:43-48

The concept of loving your enemy is a lot to take in. Personally, I have had to learn this, and re-learn it over and over again. It is a hard thing to practice. In my life, I had someone who use to be considered one of my closest friends, and then this person decided to take a different path in life, and this person began to treat me bad, and ignore me. I very much so wanted to be a part of this person’s life, but this person did not want to give me the time of day. This really hurt, and because this person was mean to me, I felt that he was an enemy. I was rude back, and would say harsh things any chance I could, just to get back at this person.

After being angry and becoming bitter at this person, I realized that I needed to give it over to God. I spent months in prayer about this person, and then finally God gave me forgiveness for the person, and love for this enemy. What a freeing feeling to have love for my enemy. I no longer let this person run my life through the bitterness that I had allowed them to bring up in my life. God worked in my heart, and through His Holy Spirit I was able to love my enemy. This person still does not always treat me right, but I really do love this person and want what is best for him.

Who is the person in your life that you need to stop being bitter and angry toward? We all have people in our lives that have hurt us. God wants to bring about forgiveness in your life, and give you the freedom that comes along with loving your neighbor. Something that helped me move toward forgiving my enemy and loving him was considering what Jesus did for me. Because of the sin in my own life, I was an enemy of God. Because God is perfect, we are enemies of Him.

We all have sin in our lives, but the only way we can have forgiveness from God is through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus came to the earth, lived a perfect life, and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, if we believe in God and ask for forgiveness of our sins, we can be forgiven and saved and then have a relationship with God who is our heavenly Father. This is the most powerful example of forgiveness, and love. If Christ offered me forgiveness, and loves me, then I can do the same for my enemies.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Theology Wins

I first was introduced to Rob Bell as a senior in high school. His NOOMA videos were creative and intriguing. I had never seen a teaching style like his before and like countless others I was hooked. I knew at this time that I was going to be a part of church and teaching would be a large part of my ministry. I made a decision: I want to teach like Rob Bell.

There has been a lot said the past couple days about Rob Bell’s latest book. There are a few things I would like to contribute to the conversation. You know if I felt compelled enough to blog, I must REALLY want to say something.

1. Rob Bell is great at engaging in spiritual discussion

No doubt, this was what attracted me to him. He approached life, spiritual matters, and the Bible in a way that was different than anything I had seen before. My freshmen year of college I led a NOOMA study with some of my pledge brothers in my fraternity. We had some really great discussion spring forth from some of his videos.

2. Rob Bell fails at bringing his message to the cross

That being said, Rob Bell is a heretic. His messages are intriguing because they begin to explore difficult ideas and concepts. The error of never bringing the discussion ultimately to the gospel is inexcusable. Rob Bell’s teaser video for his latest book proves him to be a Universalist. The evangelical world should not look to Rob Bell for theological guidance. He should resign as a pastor and he should not pose as an evangelical Christian any longer.

3. No man is a hero or a villain

We can learn something from this situation. Our tendency as fallen man is to elevate some to status of “hero” that can do no wrong and place others in a category of “villain.” In this situation, you will see some Christians hopelessly defend Rob Bell. Others will throw stones at him. The polarizing views in many ways show how there are some who are faithful to the man because he is their hero and others will seek to crucify him because he is their villain. No man’s ministry, theology or life is worth exalting or condemning. However, we as Christians must identify those that are teaching contrary to what Scriptures teach.

Rob Bell at one point was a hero in my life. I wanted to mimic my teaching ministry after him. I remember watching some of his NOOMA videos and thinking in the back of my mind “something is off here…” I am very grateful that we live in an age where there is so much bible teaching available for free online. While Christians must guard themselves from living off of others teaching, it saved me from becoming like Rob Bell. Another pastor pointed out flaws in Rob Bell’s “Velvet Elvis” that I did not see in my reading. This was the first time that I saw a Christian pastor identifying another Christian pastor as having poor theology. I am grateful this pastor had the courage to identify Rob Bell’s errors because I assumed there were none.

How should we as Christians respond to Rob Bell? Identify him for what he is: a heretic. However, do not miss the opportunity to learn from the man. Bell does a great job at engaging the spiritual discussion. The bigger lesson to learn: Theology wins.